Problem-Solving Design: Reasoning about Computational Value, Tradeoffs, and Resources

Eric Horvitz

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Several areas of research on problem-solving tradeoffs in reasoning systems are presented. Issues surrouding the valuation of computation in the context of computational resource constraints are introduced. Areas of research on problem-solving tradeoffs receiving ongoing attention include: (1) strategic control, (2) structural control, and (3) the explanation of computation. In each area, we review the application of utility theory to the task of controlling problem-solving tradeoffs.

Keywords:Decision-theoretic control, metareasoning, explanation, computational tradeoffs

E. J. Horvitz, Problem-Solving Design: Reasoning about Computational Value, Tradeoffs, and Resources. Proceedings of the NASA Research Forum. Mountain View, CA, 1987, pp. 26-43.

Also, available as Stanford University Technical Report KSL-87-64, Departments of Computer Science and Medicine, 1987.

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